IWXXM Implementation

NetSys, the software provider to the RODB in Brussels, has recently upgraded its Message Switch (nsMHS) to handle OPMET messages in IWXXM format. The Brussels system is ready to exchange IWXXM messages over AMHS conformant to the AFSG AMHS Profile for IWXXM. The nsMHS can also compile IWXXM collections and perform extensive validation against the IWXXM schemas. Conversion from TAC to IWXXM is supported allowing Brussels to serve as a translation centre. The Brussels system is now ready to exchange IWXXM messages as anticipated by the ICAO Annex 3 Amendment 77, paving the way towards SWIM.

NB: Amendment 77 to Annex 3 became effective on 11 July 2016 and becomes applicable on 10 November 2016



All stories by: sysadmin@netsys.co.za

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